1921 AC Colt Thompson Submachine Gun
This 1921 AC Colt Thompson Submachine gun has been in the same ownership since 1978. During that four decades its owner fired less than 2,000 rounds through it! Included is an original New York fifty round drum and five twenty round magazines, two of which are original Patent Date magazines. Also comes with a 1980’s reproduction FBI hardcase.This Thompson has two non-standard qualities that give insight into it history. It has a parkerized upper receiver and a Savage 1928A1 barrel and compensator. The Savage barrel was installed new on this receiver as indicated by the barrel-to-receiver index marks aligning and the barrel having no other index mark from a previous gun. So this Savage barrel was most likely installed to replace a bulged barrel on this gun when the bullet from an underpowered cartridge lodged in the barrel and was followed by a full charged cartridge, impacting the second bullet into the first bullet, creating a ring or bulge in the original barrel.This 1921 Thompson was owned by the Miller County, Arkansas Sheriff’s Department in Texarkana and was exchanged to a Class Three dealer for more modern weaponry in 1977. Texarkana is also the home of Red River Army Depot. This same dealer also acquired two 1928A1 Thompsons from another sheriff’s department in the area. That sheriff’s department originally acquired their Thompsons from Red River Army Depot. Both had parkerized receivers. Two explanations are that serial number 6156 was a standard 1921 Thompson which developed a ring in the barrel while in use by Miller County Sheriff’s Department, was taken to Red River Army Depot for a barrel replacement, and while there, the armorer parkerized the receiver. Or 6156 was an original Army-acquired Thompson, developed a ringed barrel, was repaired and parkerized by Army armorers (by WWII the Army did not do bluing, only parkerizing) and was later conveyed by the Army to the law enforcement agency, a common arrangement many years ago. As you can see by the photos, this is a very nice C&R 1921 Colt Thompson with desirable and hard-to-find original accessories. Internal parts are original Colt and the bore is excellent. The upper receiver and the lower receiver have the same 6156 serial number. $32,500 delivered to your dealer. Call with your questions. (877) 437-0251 weekdays or sales@fullautoclassics.com